Results for 'José Ulises Mena'

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  1.  27
    A Prefertilization Mechanism of Action of Plan B.José Ulises Mena - 2014 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 14 (2):235-244.
    Whether levonorgestrel taken as an emergency contraceptive has an abortifacient effect is a matter of great importance for Catholic bioethics. While many have argued that LNG-EC does not have a postovulatory effect, a recent literature review has convincingly established that inhibition of ovulation cannot account for all of the pregnancy reduction observed in clinical settings among those who take LNG-EC. This essay proposes a secondary mechanism of action of LNG-EC that is postovulatory but prefertilization; it argues that LNG-EC may act (...)
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  2. Fundamentos de filosofía de la ciencia.José A. Díez & C. Ulises Moulines - 2008 - Grupo Planeta (GBS).
    Fundamentos de filosofía de la ciencia es una obra de carácter general destinada principalmente a servir de guía a alumnos y profesores en la ensañanza universitaria de esta disciplina, en especial para los estudios de Filosofía, pero también para los de Humanidades y Ciencias Humanas y Naturales. La obra está estructurada en diferentes niveles para facilitar su utilización como libro de texto, tanto en cursos introductorios generales como en seminarios específicos. Aunque el público universitario es su principal destinatario, se ha (...)
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  3. A Serious Game to Improve Emotion Regulation in Treatment-Seeking Individuals With Gambling Disorder: A Usability Study.Teresa Mena-Moreno, Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Roser Granero, Lucero Munguía, Trevor Steward, Hibai López-González, Amparo del Pino-Gutiérrez, María Lozano-Madrid, Mónica Gómez-Peña, Laura Moragas, Isabelle Giroux, Marie Grall-Bronnec, Anne Sauvaget, Bernat Mora-Maltas, Eduardo Valenciano-Mendoza, José M. Menchón & Susana Jiménez-Murcia - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Serious games have shown positive results in increasing motivation, adherence to treatment and strengthening the therapeutic alliance in multiple psychiatric disorders. In particular, patients with impulse control disorders and other disorders in which the patient suffers from inhibitory control deficits have been shown to benefit from serious games.Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the characteristics and to evaluate the usability of a new serious videogame, e-Estesia. This serious videogame was designed to improve emotion regulation in patients (...)
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    Orientação à domin'ncia social (SDO) e autoritarismo em adolescentes: Uma revisão sistemática.Alejandro Jose Mena, Nicolas de Oliveira Cardoso & Irani Iracema De Lima Argimon - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (2):145-156.
    O estudo do autoritarismo e da orientação à dominância social (SDO) tem virado foco de pesquisas recentemente, devido à sua importância na vida das pessoas. O artigo objetivou investigar a presença dos construtos autoritarismo e SDO em adolescentes e as variáveis comumente associadas, por meio de uma revisão sistemática utilizando o modelo PRISMA. Dois juízes consultaram as bases Pubmed, BVS, Scopus, Web of Science, PsycINFO e EBSCO. Dos 278 artigos encontrados 12 artigos foram selecionados. Identificou-se três categorias: transgeracionalidade, caraterísticas cognitivo-comportamentais, (...)
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  5. De los juegos olímpicos a los juegos verbales.José Lorite Mena - 1984 - Universitas Philosophica 3:33-44.
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  6. Pourquoi la Métaphysique?: La voie de la sagesse selon Aristote.José Lorite Mena - 1977 - Paris: Téqui.
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    Du mythe à l'ontologie: glissement des espaces humains.José Lorite Mena - 1979 - Paris: Téqui.
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    El Parménides de Platón: un diálogo de la indecible.José Lorite Mena - 2012 - Murcia: Universidad de Murcia.
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  9. La metafisica como negacion Del texto metafisico.José Lorite Mena - 1978 - Ideas Y Valores 27 (53-54):55.
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    Principios-guía y leyes especiales.José Díez & C. Ulises Moulines - 2019 - Perspectivas 3 (2):22-54.
    La finalidad de este trabajo es revisar una de las nociones centrales de la metateoría estructuralista, la noción de principio-guía, mostrar su fecundidad para abordar algunas cuestiones centrales tanto de filosofía general como de filosofía especial de la ciencia, así como de historia de la filosofía de la ciencia, y, por último, revisar y valorar algunas propuestas de elucidación de la misma. La conclusión es que se trata de una noción tan fructífera como difícil de analizar.
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    Sexología: género, identidad y derivas culturales.José Lorite Mena - 1999 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 18:57-70.
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    Patrología didáctica.José Raúl Mena Seifert - 2019 - Augustinianum 59 (1):285-293.
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    Antropologia y alteridad. De la naturaleza humana a la normalidad social.José Lorite Mena - 1996 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 12:79-92.
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    Guiding Principles and Special Laws†.José A. Díez & C. Ulises Moulines - 2022 - Theoria 88 (4):782-798.
    Theoria, Volume 88, Issue 4, Page 782-798, August 2022.
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  15. ¿Es negociable la diferencia?José Lorite Mena - 1995 - Diálogo Filosófico 31:31-42.
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  16. Las dificultades del "Parménides" y la síntesis metafísica de Platón.José Lorite Mena - 1986 - Pensamiento 42 (167):257-281.
  17.  8
    Pourquoi la Métaphysique?: La voie de la sagesse selon Aristote.José Lorite Mena - 1977 - Paris: Pierre Téqui (Editions).
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    Du mythe à l'ontologie: glissement des espaces humains.José Lorite Mena - 1979 - Paris: Téqui.
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  19.  18
    El Parménides de Platón:¿ parricidio o suicidio?José Lorite Mena - 1992 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 4:5-17.
  20.  13
    ¿Cómo afrontar la infertilidad de modo médico, respetando a las personas y el amor conyugal? La ayuda de la naprotecnología en estos procesos.José Francisco Vaquero, Helena Marcos, María Victoria Mena & Venancio Carrión - 2023 - Medicina y Ética 34 (1):194-241.
    ¿Qué hacer cuando el matrimonio quiere tener un hijo y éste tarda en venir, o simplemente no viene? La naprotecnología, como estudio médico de la fertilidad masculina y femenina, ofrece una respuesta válida para afrontar esta situación de infertilidad/esterilidad. Seguimos como camino el método triangular propuesto por Elio Sgreccia: ver los datos científicos para realizar un análisis antropológico y una valoración ética que oriente el actuar concreto.La naprotecnología, como ciencia médica, constituye un abordaje médico y científico que busca resolver los (...)
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    The COVID‐19 vaccine in women: Decisions, data and gender gap.Desirée Mena-Tudela, Laia Aguilar-Camprubí, Paola Quifer-Rada, José María Paricio-Talayero & Alba Padró-Arocas - 2021 - Nursing Inquiry 28 (3):e12416.
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    La "paideia" en el pensamiento griego.José Lorite Mena - 1985 - Universitas Philosophica 5:81-92.
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    Performance Sensitivity of a Wind Farm Power Curve Model to Different Signals of the Input Layer of ANNs: Case Studies in the Canary Islands.Sergio Velázquez Medina, José A. Carta & Ulises Portero Ajenjo - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-11.
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  24.  19
    Analysis and Evolution of Environmental Law in Ecuador with the Constitution of 2008 and its Relation to Political Marketing in the Good Way of Living.Carlos Alcívar Trejo, José J. Albert Márquez, Ambar Murillo Mena & Francisco Marcelo Alvarado Porras - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):105-112.
    This article is a review and reflection of the new elements of rights and laws, applied to the principle of justice and sovereignty, but above all in the demonstration that law as a science once again allows us to conceive that as a science it evolves and must be modified according to the new conducts that the State and society require, such is the case of the constitutional recognition that this type of rights have. In the last decades, human beings (...)
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    Modulation of Neural Activity during Guided Viewing of Visual Art.Guillermo Herrera-Arcos, Jesús Tamez-Duque, Elsa Y. Acosta-De-Anda, Kevin Kwan-Loo, Mayra de-Alba, Ulises Tamez-Duque, Jose L. Contreras-Vidal & Rogelio Soto - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  26.  22
    Las voces de Ulises. Sobre el origen de la diferencia entre filosofía y poesía.José Manuel Cuesta Abad - 2023 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 25:425-448.
    Este artículo aborda el antiguo problema de la diferencia entre filosofía y poesía partiendo de una interpretación del arte narrativo personificado por Ulises en la Odisea. Una lectura del episodio de las Sirenas permite reconstruir la trama de voces diversas que compone el relato homérico y comprender la significación de esta estructura polifónica en el imaginario odiseico. Frente a la neta oposición entre autofonía y alofonía que propone la filosofía platónica, la poesía homérica implica una idea de heterofonía que (...)
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    José Lorite Mena, El animal paradójico. Fundamentos de antropología filosófica.Mario Casañas - 1987 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 85 (67):423-423.
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  28. Filosofía de la innovación y de la tecnología educativa: Tomo I Filosofía de la innovación.Aguilar Floralba, Jefferson Alexander Moreno-Guaicha, Darwin Joaqui, Robert Bolaños, Alexis Mena, Edison Higuera, José Baldeón, Jessica Villamar, Luis López & Mauro Avilés - 2020 - Quito: Abya-Yala.
    Esta obra colectiva expone diversas concepciones teóricas, ontológicas, epistemológicas, axiológicas y prácticas sobre el origen, sentido, problemáticas, ventajas, detrimentos, alternativas y desafías de la filosofía de la innovación y su incidencia en la educación; reflexiona sobre las contribuciones de la tecnología y responde a interrogantes como: ¿Cuáles son los aporte de la tradición filosófica, del pensamiento ilustrado, de la postmodernidad y de la teoría crítica para la filosofía de la innovación educativa?; ¿Cuál es la función de la filosofía para la (...)
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  29. Formación docente desde la filosofía educativa transdisciplinaria.Floralba Aguilar, Javier Collado, José Manuel Touriñan, Robert Fernando Bolaños-Vivas, Jefferson Alexander Moreno-Guaicha, Alex Estrada-García, María Alejandra Marcelín-Alvarado, Dante Augusto Galeffi, Florent Pasquier, Nicolás Aguilar-Forero, Elisa Álvarez-Monsalve, Alexis Alberto Mena-Zamora, Odalia Llerena-Companioni, Oscar Santiago Barzaga- Sablón, Grey Zita Zambrano, Elva Vaca-Cárdenas, Yamilia Bárbara Cruz-Álvarez, Fanny Tubay-Zambrano, Cristian Javier Urbina Velasco, María Fernanda Alvarado-Ávila, Joselin Katerine Segovia-Sarmiento, Karina Luzdelia Mendoza-Bravo, Katty Isabel Posligua-Loor, Miguel Orozco-Malo & Cufuna Silva-Amino - 2023 - Quito: Abya Yala.
    La formación docente es indispensable para responder a los requerimientos de la compleja sociedad actual. De su conocimiento, iniciativa, praxis y creatividad depende el éxito o el fracaso del sujeto que aprende. Al modificar el rol del docente se transforma la actitud de los estudiantes. ¿Cómo entender la formación filosófica transdisciplinar? Este texto responde a este y otros cuestionamientos: ¿cuáles son los planteamientos pedagógicos afines a la era digital? ¿en qué medida las TIC se encuentran al servicio de una filosofía (...)
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    Reseña de La alquimia de labestia.Emilio Vargas Mena - 2024 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (34):107-112.
    Esta es una reseña de la novela de Luis Diego Guillén, La alquimia de la bestia, ganadora del Premio Nacional de Literatura Aquileo J.Echeverría en el 2016, editada por URUK editores en San José, Costa Rica, el mismo año. La novela consta de 512 páginas y cuenta con elISBN 978-9930-526-22-4.
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  31. Guna Yala: “sacred respect for one’s own identity” in the context of the centenary of the 1925 Kuna Revolution.Emilio Vargas-Mena - 2024 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (35).
    Esta es una reseña del texto de literatura de viajes, Escape a Kuna Yala, de Carolina Jiménez Acuña, publicado por la Editorial Universidad Estatal a Distancia (EUNED), en San José de Costa Rica en el año 2016. La autora Jiménez es historiadora del arte, artista plástica y escritora. Parte fundamental de su trabajo ha sido la asesoría a proyectos artísticos de los pueblos indígenas Naso-Tjërdi, Bribri y Cabécar. El libro consta de 126 páginas y cuenta con el ISBN 978-9968-48-314-8.
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  32. Paving the road to hell: The Spanish word menas as a case study.José Ramón Torices & David Bordonaba - 2021 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 84:47-62.
    Menas is a term that has attracted a great deal of attention on the political scene in Spain at present. Although the term had a neutral usage originally, being an acronym for unaccompanied foreign minors, it has recently evolved into a term with clear negative connotations. This article explores what kind of term menas is today. Specifically, we will examine whether menas is a slur or an ESTI, an ethnic/social term used as an insult. First, we point out the most (...)
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    Exploraciones pluralistas: las filosofías de C. Ulises Moulines.José A. Díez (ed.) - 2019 - Ciudad de México: UNAM.
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  34. "Go Back to Where You Came From!" Racism, Xenophobia, and White Nationalism.José Jorge Mendoza - 2023 - American Philosophical Quarterly 60 (4):397-410.
    There are two competing ways of understanding nefarious expressions of nationalism in countries like the U.S., either as xenophobia or racism. In this essay, I offer a way of capturing what is attractive in both accounts: a way of thinking about the xenophobia of U.S. nationalism that does not miss or minimize the role that race plays in condemning such expressions, but at the same time does not risk overextending the definition of racism. To do this, the essay makes a (...)
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  35.  12
    Structuralist Knowledge Representation: Paradigmatic Examples.Wolfgang Balzer, Joseph D. Sneed & Carles Ulises Moulines (eds.) - 2000 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Contents: Foreword. Wolfgang BALZER and C. ULISES MOULINES: Introduction. José A. DÍEZ CALZADA: Structuralist Analysis of Theories of Fundamental Measurement. Adolfo GARCÍA DE LA SIENRA and Pedro REYES: The Theory of Finite Games in Extensive Form. Hans Joachim BURSCHEID und Horst STRUVE: The Theory of Stochastic Fairness - its Historical Development, Formulation and Justification. Wolfgang BALZER and Richard MATTESSICH: Formalizing the Basis of Accounting. Werner DIEDERICH: A Reconstruction of Marxian Economics. Bert HAMMINGA and Wolfgang BALZER: The Basic Structure (...)
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  36. Fundamentos de filosofía de la ciencia, de José A. Díez y C. Ulises Moulines.Fernando Broncano Rodríguez - 1998 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 17 (2):98-100.
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    Du mythe à l'ontologie. [REVIEW]S. R. - 1981 - Review of Metaphysics 34 (3):615-616.
    José Mena tackles no small subject. His title, "From Myth to Ontology," designates that transition in Western history "at which the Greek spirit began to break the circle of autonomy of the spoken word and opened up to history". This book, then, is about the origin of our civilization conceived as the shift from an oral to a written tradition. Mena describes that threshold, "the renaissance of the eighth century B.C.," with a twofold gaze, looking backward to (...)
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    Dedekind and Wolffian Deductive Method.José Ferreirós & Abel Lassalle-Casanave - 2022 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 53 (4):345-365.
    Dedekind’s methodology, in his classic booklet on the foundations of arithmetic, has been the topic of some debate. While some authors make it closely analogue to Hilbert’s early axiomatics, others emphasize its idiosyncratic features, most importantly the fact that no axioms are stated and its careful deductive structure apparently rests on definitions alone. In particular, the so-called Dedekind “axioms” of arithmetic are presented by him as “characteristic conditions” in the _definition_ of the complex concept of a _simply infinite_ system. Making (...)
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    Effective Elements to Establish an Ethical Infrastructure: An Exploratory Study of SMEs in the Madrid Region.José Luis Fernández & Javier Camacho - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (1):113-131.
    The purpose of this study is to identify the elements that can be implemented to achieve an ethical infrastructure, in small and medium enterprises. The ethical infrastructure is considered as a set of formal and informal systems, leadership, climate and culture, related to ethical issues. The research was carried out through interviews and focus groups with managers from 28 companies in Madrid, all signatories to the Global Compact. The identified key elements in SMEs are leadership, informal managerial and formal communication. (...)
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  40.  14
    Erasmus on the Just War.Jose A. Fernandez - 1973 - Journal of the History of Ideas 34 (2):209.
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    Structuralist knowledge representation: paradigmatic examples.P. Lorenzano, W. Balzer, C. U. Moulines & J. Sneed - 2000 - In Joseph D. Sneed, Wolfgang Balzer & C.-U. Moulines (eds.), Structuralist Knowledge Representation: Paradigmatic Examples. Rodopi.
    Contents: Foreword. Wolfgang BALZER and C. ULISES MOULINES: Introduction. José A. DÍEZ CALZADA: Structuralist Analysis of Theories of Fundamental Measurement. Adolfo GARCÍA DE LA SIENRA and Pedro REYES: The Theory of Finite Games in Extensive Form. Hans Joachim BURSCHEID und Horst STRUVE: The Theory of Stochastic Fairness - its Historical Development, Formulation and Justification. Wolfgang BALZER and Richard MATTESSICH: Formalizing the Basis of Accounting. Werner DIEDERICH: A Reconstruction of Marxian Economics. Bert HAMMINGA and Wolfgang BALZER: The Basic Structure (...)
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    Noncompliance With Safety Guidelines as a Free-Riding Strategy: An Evolutionary Game-Theoretic Approach to Cooperation During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Jose C. Yong & Bryan K. C. Choy - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:646892.
    Evolutionary game theory and public goods games offer an important framework to understand cooperation during pandemics. From this perspective, the COVID-19 situation can be conceptualized as a dilemma where people who neglect safety precautions act as free riders, because they get to enjoy the benefits of decreased health risk from others’ compliance with policies despite not contributing to or even undermining public safety themselves. At the same time, humans appear to carry a suite of evolved psychological mechanisms aimed at curbing (...)
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  43. A patterned process approach to brain, consciousness, and behavior.José-Luis Díaz - 1997 - Philosophical Psychology 10 (2):179-195.
    The architecture of brain, consciousness, and behavioral processes is shown to be formally similar in that all three may be conceived and depicted as Petri net patterned processes structured by a series of elements occurring or becoming active in stochastic succession, in parallel, with different rhythms of temporal iteration, and with a distinct qualitative manifestation in the spatiotemporal domain. A patterned process theory is derived from the isomorphic features of the models and contrasted with connectionist, dynamic system notions. This empirically (...)
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    Algorithmic biases: caring about teens’ neurorights.José M. Muñoz & José Ángel Marinaro - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (2):809-810.
  45. Boghossian on inferential knowledge.José L. Zalabardo - 2011 - Analytic Philosophy 52 (2):124-139.
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    Two concepts of enunciation.José Luiz Fiorin - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (219):257-271.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    A non-causalist account of the explanatory autonomy in the psychological sciences.José Díez & David Pineda - 2024 - Synthese 204 (3):1-27.
    It has been often claimed that physicalism challenges the explanatory autonomy of psychological sciences. Most who advocate for such explanatory autonomy and do not want to renounce to physicalism, presuppose a causalist account of explanatoriness and try to demonstrate that, adequately construed, (causal) psychological explanations are compatible with (some sufficient version of) physicalism. In Sect. 1 we summarize the different theses and assumptions involved in the seeming conflict between explanatory autonomy and physicalism. In Sect. 2 we review the main attempts (...)
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  48. Peirce's conception of architectonic and related views.Jose Ferrater Mora - 1955 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 15 (3):351-359.
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    La neutralidad y su neutralización: el eco mítico de la Modernidad en el tiempo presente.José Manuel Sánchez Fernández - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26 (2):195-207.
    El presente trabajo parte del paralelo antitético establecido en torno al par amigo-enemigo que aparece en el “Concepto de lo político” de C. Schmitt para, a continuación, analizar las interesantes propuestas que llevan a cabo distintos autores, entre otros, H. Blumenberg, a las que añadiremos como contrapunto los representantes de la Escuela de J. Ritter, W. Böckenförde y H. Lübbe. En especial señalamos el tránsito que se produce de la neutralidad a la neutralización, a partir de la nueva consideración de (...)
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  50. How I Know I'm Not a Brain in a Vat.José L. Zalabardo - 2009 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 64:65-88.
    I use some ideas of Keith DeRose's to develop an (invariantist!) account of why sceptical reasoning doesn't show that I don't know that I'm not a brain in a vat. I argue that knowledge is subject to the risk-of-error constraint: a true belief won’t have the status of knowledge if there is a substantial risk of the belief being in error that hasn’t been brought under control. When a substantial risk of error is present (i.e. beliefs in propositions that are (...)
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